This picture represents the volume of earth’s atmosphere. The last square on the lower right represents the volume of all the green house gases in earth’s atmosphere. The yellow section represents all of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The red dot shows how much carbon dioxide humans are responsible for.
Since carbon dioxide is a trace gas measured in part per million, it’s hard to notice it on an actual scale. Here is a blowup of the green house gas percentage so you can see how insignificant it is:
Look at that red dot and think about all the lies you have heard about the climate. Increasing carbon dioxide causes global warming - LIE. Increasing carbon dioxide causes more severe weather such as tornados, floods, droughts, and hurricanes - LIE. Increasing temperatures will cause famines and global catastrophe – LIE. Global warming may go down as the greatest hoax that was ever perpetrated on earth. The lies are unraveling so fast around the world that it is hard to keep up with who is involved and what deception they spread. The liars are running away from climate change so fast they are leaving whirlwinds in their paths.
Here is a list of what has come to light in the last couple of months:
-The Russian Institute of Economic Analysis asserted that the British Meteorological Office only used data from 25 percent of meteorological stations; the stations with the warmest data.
-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration monitored around 5,000 climate stations around the world until 1990. After 1990, NOAA eliminated the data from over 3,000 of these stations, eliminating stations at higher latitudes and altitudes; in other words, the cooler stations.
-IPCC lied about the link between increased natural disasters and global warming (there is no link) using papers that were flawed and not peer reviewed.
-IPCC lied about Himalayan glaciers melting going so far as to admit this year that they thought the false data would encourage policy makers to take action.
-IPCC lied about Amazon Rainforest decline based on flawed and non-peer reviewed papers.
-NASA claimed that 1998 was the warmest year on record, then changed it to 1934 after facing scrutiny over their data. They then made the claim that 1998 and 2006 were the warmest years on record. So far, NASA has refused all Freedom of Information requests to see the data.
-Phil Jones, head of the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia, the main source of data for the IPCC reports and the primary source of climate hysteria, admitted last week that there has been no climate warming for the last 15 years.
-Phil Jones and the staff at CRU claim that they have lost or been careless with the data that they used for the IPCC reports; preventing other scientists from validating their work.
-Phil Jones, Keith Briffa, and Michael Mann, all leading instigators in the global warming hoax, were revealed to be destroying and hiding data to cover their lies when the Climate Gate Emails came to light.
The bottom line is that anyone with a basic understanding of the scientific process and statistics could have looked at the two pictures above and understood immediately that global warming could not be caused by emissions from cars and factories. The general public bought into the ideas of man-caused climate change hook, line, and sinker. Now, billions of dollars have been thrown away on the fear of climate change and kids are being taught the same lies as part of their education.
Even as the walls of climate change hype are falling down all around them, the EPA is continuing its foolish stance on regulating carbon dioxide, and senators are still moving forward with the cap and trade tax. The president maintains that the science of man-made climate change is sound; even though the data is suspect, the process has been shown to be flawed, and a conspiracy to manipulate the science has been revealed. The president, the EPA, and everyone who wants to believe in man-made climate change are the real deniers now.
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