Sunday, October 11, 2009

Global Warming Data Faked

The latest debacle by “scientists” to create a data scenario showing unusual warming in our century has been exposed for fraud. The mainstream media is not very vocal about this, so I will briefly describe what has happened.

It turns out that the data used by the IPCC to show global warming was purposely skewed to make it look like this century was the warmest ever recorded. The first heads up that this data was suspect occurred when scientists refused to release the data for other scientists to replicate their findings.

Newsflash for anyone who has not taken the time to research ice core data, tree ring proxies, and written history of the planet: now is not the warmest period civilization has experienced. Below is the generally accepted history of earth’s temperature.

Mann et. al. challenged this perspective with their thoroughly discredited “hockey stick graph.” However, the IPCC decided to run with this data anyway for obvious reasons:

It was revealed that Mann et. al. had written an algorithm to create this graph, which means that Mann just used the data that supported his theory, and ignored the rest. Another method had to be found to keep the faith, I mean global warming, alive. Keith Briffa, a climatologist, saved the day for global warmongers with his temperature reconstruction using tree ring data. Briffa’s graph was also challenged, and he too refused to allow anyone to see the data and replicate his work.

Briffa’s tree ring temperature reconstruction:

To make a long story short, the data finally got out. It was discovered that Briffa had used the data from 12 trees out of a 240 tree data set to create the warming trend shown in the above chart. When the complete set of data is charted out, you get this:

That’s right, no warming for this century; the trees have spoken.

The IPCC is trying to cram anthropomorphic (man-made) global warming down our throats. Our own congress is seriously considering raising our taxes, decimating what is left of our industry, throwing away hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of jobs, and tripling your electric bills because of the academic misconduct of individuals like Mann and Briffa.

America, you need to wake up. Do your homework; just read online and learn about our climate. You will quickly notice that anyone who claims that the debate is over regarding carbon dioxide and climate change is a fool. Or worse. Stop being lied to and stop being afraid. Start holding people accountable for their lies and deceit. Start with congress.

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