Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Captain Jack

Captain Jack was found in the woods as a pup, hung up in some brush and probably would have become coyote food if I hadn't carried him a couple of miles out of the woods with me.  We nursed him back to health and planned to find a home for him, but we ended up keeping him.  Now he's a 90 pound baby who will climb up in your lap if you aren't paying attention.  He obviously has some German Shepherd in him and he has some smarts.

Captain Jack, like his owner, is not a tarheel fan.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wildlife in the Woods

Recently, while working in the woods, I heard a strange noise coming from the direction of an old stump.  It sounded like scratching and digging and was coming from inside this six foot stump.

I am always curious and started to walk over and investigate, but I started wondering if there was a skunk digging around in there.  I had to clean up my dogs after one of their skunk encounters and I will never forget the odor.  It stayed on them for several weeks, even after the tomato juice and peroxide shampoo.  So I used the camera to light up the crack in the stump with the flash and see if I could tell more about what was inside.  This is what the camera revealed:

Hmmm... definitely not a skunk.  Having a pretty good idea about what might be in the stump, I decided to go for the video.  Of course, I was a little apprehensive about placing my hand over my head and into a stump where an animal with razor sharp claws and beak had easy access, but I took a chance anyway and captured this:

It took me two tries to capture a video of this barred owl trying to hide from me.  He never came out, even after I sat still and quiet behind his temporary refuge for 10 minutes.  Eventually, I had to move on.  The owl had endured the only creature likely to discover its hiding spot and won.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Surrounded by Idiots part 2

If you are employed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and tasked with keeping passengers safe on airplanes, which of the following should be stopped for enhanced screening (ie: strip searched):

Suspect A: the 9 year old

Suspect B: the 85 year old granny

 Suspect C: an actual muslim

 If you guessed A and B, then congratulations, not only are you an idiot, but you are well qualified to work for the TSA.  And yes, those are the individuals that the TSA will search, remove their clothes, and pat down.  Just ask the grandma, who was injured in the process.

At some point, Congress is going to have to step in and end the TSA, or at least instruct them to screen out actual terrorists instead of the elderly and children.  One of these days, a father will end the life of a TSA agent that tries to strip search his 6 year old child.  Put me on that jury and I will acquit him.

Wake up America; you voted in a communist and now we are beginning to creep towards dictatorship.