For some of you, there are ideas and worthwhile reading to be found. For the rest of you, I guess we're just...
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Captain Jack
Captain Jack, like his owner, is not a tarheel fan.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Wildlife in the Woods
I am always curious and started to walk over and investigate, but I started wondering if there was a skunk digging around in there. I had to clean up my dogs after one of their skunk encounters and I will never forget the odor. It stayed on them for several weeks, even after the tomato juice and peroxide shampoo. So I used the camera to light up the crack in the stump with the flash and see if I could tell more about what was inside. This is what the camera revealed:
Hmmm... definitely not a skunk. Having a pretty good idea about what might be in the stump, I decided to go for the video. Of course, I was a little apprehensive about placing my hand over my head and into a stump where an animal with razor sharp claws and beak had easy access, but I took a chance anyway and captured this:
It took me two tries to capture a video of this barred owl trying to hide from me. He never came out, even after I sat still and quiet behind his temporary refuge for 10 minutes. Eventually, I had to move on. The owl had endured the only creature likely to discover its hiding spot and won.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Surrounded by Idiots part 2
Suspect A: the 9 year old
Suspect B: the 85 year old granny
Suspect C: an actual muslim
If you guessed A and B, then congratulations, not only are you an idiot, but you are well qualified to work for the TSA. And yes, those are the individuals that the TSA will search, remove their clothes, and pat down. Just ask the grandma, who was injured in the process.
At some point, Congress is going to have to step in and end the TSA, or at least instruct them to screen out actual terrorists instead of the elderly and children. One of these days, a father will end the life of a TSA agent that tries to strip search his 6 year old child. Put me on that jury and I will acquit him.
Wake up America; you voted in a communist and now we are beginning to creep towards dictatorship.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Loft Bed
Friday, September 9, 2011
How to Spot Problem Legislation
Was it written by special interests or for special interests?
If the answer is “yes”, then it is probably bad legislation. Special interests rarely benefit the public at large, and most special interests groups would wither away were it not for the public teat that they so vigorously suck at to stay alive. Legislation funding special interests in any way should not become law.
Does it exempt certain groups of citizens?
ObamaCare is a great example of really bad legislation. It fails each one of the tests described in this list. But there is now a long list of states, unions, and groups of citizens that have been officially exempted from this law. Why? Laws should benefit all of the citizens, not just a few. If you have a law that will benefit 51 percent of our nation, then you need to start over.
Is congress exempted from the law?
I do not understand why people are not outraged when congress passes a turd of a law, and then exempts themselves from it. Congress has their own social security, health care, and retirement. They made special Cadillac programs for their exclusive benefit at the expense of Americans. It is unconstitutional, which means against the law since many Americans have trouble understanding what constitutional means.
Does it have a sunset provision?
A sunset provision means that congress was unable to do its job. They were afraid of the consequences of the law they passed. A good law does not need a sunset provision. If you know it needs to be re-evaluated down the road, then it is not a good law.
Does it have automatic annual budget increases?
Welcome to the corrupt and insane world of baseline budgeting. If your budget increases by 10 million and you only spend 5 million more than the previous year, you can claim to have cut 5 million out of your budget; even though you increased it!
Is it over 10 pages?
A copy of the US Constitution is only 10 pages. If the entire country could be outlined and managed with a 10 page document, why do we have laws today that are measured in thousands of pages? The answer: bad legislation. It is unreasonable to expect Americans to be familiar with thousands of pages of laws, and even our so-called representatives in congress are unable to read the bills before they pass them.
Is it an enumerated power in the US Constitution? Does it take power or oversight away from the states?
Good bye: Dept of Education, Dept of Labor, Dept of Housing and Urban Development, Dept of Health and Human Services, Dept of Energy, etc. These are just the bigger unconstitutional departments. The actual list of bureaus, offices, departments and agencies are several pages long. Abolishing them overnight would immediately end the current recession and begin to restore freedoms that have been stolen from Americans.
Did it originate as part of the “New Deal?”
The “New Deal”, just like Obama’s “Fundamental Transformation” of America is code word for imposing Communist/Marxist policies on Americans. Communism has starved or killed more people around the globe than all natural disasters or plagues combined. Beware of federal legislation that seizes control of, or legislates: education, health, labor, or the economy.
By now, you are thinking that most of the legislation of the last 70 years is unconstitutional, and you would be correct. The best way to save America and help Americans is not to pass more legislation. We need to demand that congress repeal legislation and remove government agencies. As for me, they want to call the Republican party the “Party of No.” As a Conservative, however, I’ll be the party of “HELL NO!”
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Homemade Bread
We have made several different types of bread; Italian, sour dough, cinnamon, ciabatta, etc. But everyone’s favorite is known as potato bread. This recipe is nearly fool proof and often disappears right out of the oven, along with half a stick of butter.
One of the drawbacks to using a bread machine is that the mixing paddle gets baked into the bread and leaves a hole in the bottom when the bread is removed. One day I timed what the bread machine was doing and figured out how to make it by hand. So here is a fool proof recipe for bread and the steps to make it. I recommend that you make two loaves at the same time and give one to a friend. Enjoy!
Recipe for 1 ½ pound loaf
1 ¼ cups warm water
3 tbs butter melted
2 ½ tbs sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tbs potato flakes
3 cups bread flour
1 ½ tsp quick yeast
Mix everything together in the order listed, and then:
Knead for 5 minutes (min)
Rest for 5 min
Knead for 20 min
Rest for 30 min (keep dough slightly warm)
Knead for 2 min
Put bread in bread tin, lightly oiled with cooking spray
Allow to rise for 1 hour
Bake at 350 for 35 minutes
Allow to cool for 5 to 10 minutes, remove from the tin, and lightly butter the entire loaf. Best eaten while it’s hot!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
I like just driving along the Parkway, and of couse stopping at every overlook, whether you can see anything or not. I have yet to drive along the section that starts in Cherokee, near the Great Smokies. I hope to make that journey this year, but once summer ends, schedules become pretty tight on the weekends.
While camping along the Parkway, we were lucky enough to have a Park Ranger host a program about skunks. I really got into the program... as you can see below...
I learned that peroxide and soap will neutralize skunk odor in about a week. I also learned that these guys will eat just about anything and are absolutely not afraid of anything. Interesting and fun little creature!
On this same camping trip we made it to Mount Mitchell. I will leave you with a photo from the summit.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Flown the coop
Time to catch up. I never finished posting about the owls that nested in our back yard. About a week or two after the first post, they flew from the nest. Here is a picture of one of the babies on its first night out.
He was in a tree about 4 feet of the ground. I walked up to it and stared him right in the eye while he stood stone still. For the next few days, they lived in the woods just on the edge of my yard. I learned to call like the mother owl and the babies always called back to me. It made it easy to locate them. Here is a picture of them sleeping during the day, about 20 feet up in the trees.
The baby is hiding behind the large branch. The mother had three babies, of which two survived. I found the one who didn't make it and could not find any thing broken about it. I can only assume it fell from the nest and was injured internally.
We enjoyed watching them eat and hoot at night and I hope that we'll see them again next spring.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Owls in the Owl Box!
She feeds them each evening starting around 8:30 pm. Her pattern is to fly to a nearby branch and call to them. They squeal back, and then she flies up and feeds them bugs. Apparently, she is quite skilled at catching them because she flies back to the nest about every minute. Here she is in action; the best I could do considering it was after dark.
I also learned that owls make a warning sound when you get too close, a sharp snapping of the beak. She has flown just overhead snapping her beak at me a couple of times while I have been taking pictures. I read that owls will sometimes rap a human on the head if they get cranky enough and if a person gets too close. We sit back a little farther now and use the binoculars to watch her feed. It's a great show at sunset!
Here are the babies making their sounds... you'll have to excuse the loud whistling at the end; it's me:
We enjoying watching them in the evenings. I hope they will make it on their own and we'll get to hear them at night making their high pitched calls. If I get any better pictures or video, I'll post it.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I don't know where to credit this photo... it is found all over the net. But it reminds me that actions always speak louder than words. And while I'm at it, kudos to the men and women in uniform. Where ever there is a dirtbag that needs tossed overboard, or a nation that needs a chance to be rebuilt, the US is there to try and make it happen. Our soldiers are buried all around the world for their efforts to bring freedom to the people. God bless the USA!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Times Square, New York at night
We took in the subway, rode a taxi with a driver hell bent on qualifying for the Daytona 500, and saw the New York skyline from the Staten Island ferry. Of course we took in some Broadway shows, explored international cuisine, and managed to do some shopping as well. We also took a stroll through Central Park, which I have never done before. I managed to literally walk into Sigourney Weaver, but that's a story for another time. Overall, I give New York a thumbs up as a vacation destination if you've never visited before. Just do your homework and find a hotel you can afford near a subway station.
I'll leave you with this video of Times Square at around 11 pm at night. You can't really tell it's night unless you look between the skyscrapers!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Blue Ridge Mountains
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Measure twice, cut once

Monday, April 4, 2011
Third Day
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Bed Cover
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sarah Palin

If you want a litmus test for intelligence and independent thinking in America, look no further than how people react to Sarah Palin. Those with a liberal bent continue to scream her stupidity so loud, that even those who would otherwise be reasonable are starting to echo the same sentiments. But have you really stopped to think about how dopey it is to claim that Sarah Palin is dumb?
The Katie Couric interview is the original source of the claim that Sarah is dumb. Could she have answered the questions better? Maybe, but for all of you convinced that this woman is dumb, stop and think for a moment: can you go on live national television, one on one with someone who hates you and hates what you stand for, and answer questions regarding foreign policy? Before you answer that, think about the current debacle with President Obama and Egypt and how poorly that has been handled by the entire administration. Foreign policy is too much for one person to handle and neither Obama nor Bush did any better in the court of public opinion. Actually, I don’t recall Obama being asked questions that were as difficult as those that Sarah Palin had to face.
Her governorship has also been attacked. The key strategy seems to be to attack the state itself as small and meaningless, and unimportant in context with the rest of the states. Anyone that really believes this, I challenge you: go pick out any state in the union, and YOU become the governor. Let’s see you stand out, run a successful campaign, and actually win the election. Most of you couldn’t win a seat on your homeowners association or the local school board, much less that of governor.
Sarah resigned as governor, and she has taken flak for that as well. Her family was under attack from a hateful media. Her office was being attacked by every sleazy trick that lawyers could think of, costing the office of governor money and time that taxpayers foot the bill for. One reporter actually bought a house nearby so he could photograph and assault the family paparazzi style. In the end, she felt it was better for her family and her state to resign, and we can second guess that decision all we want, but we can’t say she was stupid for her decision. At worst, we could call it wrong.
Lastly, for those of you who still think she is not a smart woman, she commands $50,000 dollars to speak in public venues. Her book “Going Rogue” sold over 2 million copies – in hardback. Nearly 70 percent of the candidates that she campaigned for won in 2010. She has her own television show that promotes lifestyles in her state. She is considered a potential presidential candidate for 2012. Do you have any of these qualifications on your resume? I didn’t think so.
What Governor Palin does do well is stand on moral convictions, something that seems to be getting as rare as gold. You can debate her qualifications for office and disagree with her personal convictions, but simply calling her stupid is childish at best. Those who resort to name calling have either lost the debate or know they cannot win the public sentiment. Those of you intent to jump on the latest political bandwagon would be wise to stop being stupid and think for yourself for a change.